I can’t believe it was just a mere 16 days ago that I wrote my last WVC blog. I didn’t think I’d end up actually enjoying writing it every day and the first two days apart were hard. And then they were not so hard, especially since wifi has been an issue, albeit minor. So here I am at Perkins in River Falls having finished my bowl of chili still stinking mildly from my boxing workout with Boyd. So far I have watched a guilty one-and-a-half episodes of Project Runway All Stars while messing around on LinkedIn and doing other WeatherVane Creamery work. Right now, the season premiere of Californication is buffered and waiting for me.
I admit, I had a delayed response in checking the Google Analytics for last month’s series of blogs. And before I get into that fully, I want to explain something to you that I do that is deliberate: WeatherVane Creamery’s blog is not accessible from www.wvcreamery.com or www.weathervanecreamery.com. If you are a fan on facebook(www.facebook.com/wvcreamery), you probably notice that most everything is in the third person. WeatherVane Creamery is a “we”. It’s something that I do for branding on purpose. Someday someone else might take over the role of posting for WeatherVane Creamery other than me and who knows, maybe WVC will become legendarily successful and I will end up working on other passions. I would hate for it’s success to be directly linked to me having to be there day in and out as the official spokesperson.
So anyway, the blog: I wanted to write a blog about the business that was on a more personal level. I wanted it to be a place that I could be myself. It’s a place for people who are into that sort of thing. I am not out to offend but I do live here in River Falls and I would hate for people to have the expectation that I am always a perfect role model. I just mostly am. I am still human, I make mistakes, and I even hurt a little bit sometimes. And I think that is this quality that connects us. Or maybe all of that psychobabble is total bullshit. Whatever. Ha! But I don’t have a tab for it from WeatherVane’s websites. It is only accessed directly (www.wvcreamery.com/blog) or from a link posted on Twitter, LinkedIn, or facebook.
And so, with that said… (drum roll please!): A GREAT THANK YOU TO THE 273 INDIVIDUALS WHO READ MY BLOG LAST MONTH. I mean, holy crap! I am so honored, pleasantly surprised, and inspired to continue blogging AND- GASP!- even make some videos. And again, the videos probably won’t be for everyone. And I am not committing to when the first one is coming out, just that it is coming. Oh, and a revised logo is coming soon, too! And yes, even more blogs. I am excited to tell you what has been a’happening over the past 16 days. The winds are shifting once again.