It’s kind of funny to acknowledge my family because I think they are still scratching their heads wondering what to make of me and WeatherVane Creamery. I think their thoughts run the gamut from being inspired to bafflement and concern. Nonetheless, they support me and it is a comfort to know that at the end of the day, they will always be there for me. And it is their concerns that keep me in check because they are the ones who are removed just enough to be able to see things that I don’t and they are the ones who know me well enough to tell me. My father is impatient and says that if he was doing it, it would be done already. My brother is worried that I will go into major debt and ruin my local reputation. My mom and sisters are worried about my stress level. Many times their concerns even tell me when I am on the right track.
To my father: Thank you for being a self-made man and for ALL the suggestions, even the ones you don’t think I listen to. Also thank you for the nice couple of days in Florida last month.
To my brother, Dan: Thank you for having been there, for your concerns, for being straight with me, and for your moral support. It always surprises me how well we relate to each other and how you can say the thing I need to hear. And you won on the thoughtful birthday presents. I loved all of it.
To my mother: Mom, I know you worry, pray, and believe the most. Thanks for knowing that I can do it.
To my sister, Karen: Thanks for involving (my 13 year old) Benjamin in my business. I love making a difference for him and his classmates. Also, thank you for being an inspiration in your own right as a mother, wife, and strong woman.
And finally, to my sister Jessica: Jeeves, thanks for taking the pressure off of me by giving everyone someone else to be baffled and concerned by. And for the record, I am neither baffled or concerned. You are on an amazing spiritual journey and are also becoming your own and finding your path. I am grateful to be sharing an uncertain future and ever-changing present with you! And also thanks for these great family photos:

Dad and Mom

Me, Dan, Karen, and Jess (front)